Research Projects

I am an expert of modern European history, with a special focus on the intellectual and environmental history of central Europe. I have recently defended dissertation, which is a detailed study of the leading German society of economists, the Verein für Sozialpolitik, between 1872 and 1972. My work examines the intersection of politics, scholarly activism, and knowledge creation via a collective biography of leading scholars and public intellectuals across a tumultuous period change.

Building off my dissertation research, I have begun a project that critically examines the life and thought the social theorist Emil Lederer (1882-1939). Widely recognized as one of the leading leftwing economists of the Weimar Republic, Lederer fled Germany after the Nazi seizure of power and headed the “University in Exile” at the New School for Social Research.

My next research project examines the history of global citizen science and environmental knowledge production, particularly through the lens of birding and conservation in Europe and its empires.

My research has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Joint Initiative in German and European Studies (JIGES), the Jackman Humanities Institute, and the Central European History Society.